Privacy Policy

Effective Date: February 17, 2020

Our Guarantee to you

  • Your data belongs to you. We do not use it without permission.
  • We do NOT sell your data to third parties.
  • You have full control over your data and can request to access it or unsubscribe at any time.
  • We comply with all applicable legal data protection requirements and Facebook policies.
  • The user has the right to request for the deletion of all their user data at any given time.
  • We are available to you at any time. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns:

General information, including any of its subdomains and related features (collectively: the "Company", "we" "us", "our", or "quizs") , is committed to protecting your privacy. That is why we made every effort to create a website that would live up to high level privacy standards. This Privacy Policy describes our policy on the collection, use and disclosure of information about our domain and any content and/or URL pages included under the said domain (collectively: the "Website") .

The Privacy Policy is available to the public at all times so you may read the full text of the Privacy Policy on our website whenever you need or want to do so. We will notify you of any changes to the Privacy Policy by posting an amended version or amendments to its website.


The terminology used in this Privacy Policy are as follows:
a) Users - Refers to all customers and visitors who make use of the services provided by us.
b) Personally Identifiable Data - Refers to any kind of data which may be used to identify, contact, or locate a single individual (e.g. names, pictures)
c) Pseudonymous Data - Refers to data that identifies the user of the net.hopemobi.common.service, which may be one or more human beings, without disclosing any of their personally identifiable data (e.g. “user 19231”, instead of user John Miller) .
d) Service - refers to quizzes, products, content, and services created, developed, and published by us
e) Cookies - Refer to small text files of information sent to your browser by the website operating server, which are then stored there for later retrieval. Should the user browse the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie is accessed by the website to learn about the user’s activity during their previous visit to the site. Quizs uses cookies to improve and enhance user experience with regard to the use of our services, as well as for analytical and customizing purposes. Users have the option to enable or disable cookies. The user may opt out from many ad-serving cookies by using the net.hopemobi.common.service provided
f) IP Address - An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g. computer, printer) participating in the Internet.
by or for users from the European Union. f) IP Address - An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g. computer, printer) participating in the Internet.

General Information for Data Processing and Security

a) We collects, processes, and uses Personally Identifiable Data provided by the user. However, Quizs will not do so beyond the scope permitted by the law and without the consent of the user.
b) Your personal data are used for the following purposes:
  • Providing you with our services
  • Ensuring an efficient user experience, maintenance, technical support, and security of the net.hopemobi.common.service
  • Responding to your requests and inquiries
c) We collects, processes, and uses Personally Identifiable Data provided by the user. However, Quizs will not do so beyond the scope permitted by the law and without the consent of the user.

Registration through Authentication Services of Facebook

a) Users may register and log into the Quizs website through the authentication net.hopemobi.common.service of the third-party provider, particularly Facebook.
b) As a prerequisite for registration on the Quizs website, the user must have a Facebook account, and enter the necessary account details or already be logged into Facebook.
c) For optimization of the net.hopemobi.common.service, Quizs collects and receives the following data from Facebook, the so-called “Public Profile Information”, upon registration through its authentication services:
1) The user’s name
2) The user’s Facebook identification number (also known as the Facebook ID)
3) The gender designation the user provided Facebook with
d) After authentication, Quizs also receives access to, but does not store, the user’s public profile pictures.
e) Quizs only receives information on the gender if these are available for viewing by the public, as permitted by the user’s Facebook privacy settings.
f) Quizs will not receive further data without consent from the user.
g) The user’s Facebook password cannot be seen nor saved by Quizs.
h) The user’s data can be compared and synchronized with their user account on Facebook automatically. However, Quizs is in no way obligated to update the data.
i) Users are encouraged to refer to Facebook’s privacy policy ( for more information regarding the consent process, and how to revoke such consent.
j) In case the user wishes to terminate the connection between Quizs and their Facebook account, they may do so through their account on Facebook ( or through the “Unregister” function on the Quizs website.

Server Log-Files

During every visit of our Service, information about IP address, access-provider, referring URL, date/time, browser type and version and operating system, amount and state of transferred data is stored in the web server log files.
We use the log data without any other personal or pseudonymous profiling as required by law only for the purpose of the operation, security and optimization of our servers.

General Information on Usage of Facebook

a) If the Service is carried out as a Facebook application, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, and/or if authentication through Facebook is used, the permission of users is required for Quizs to access their stored data on Facebook.
b) Users are expressly referred in the context of the Facebook consent dialog to this data collection and the data shared by Facebook with Quizs (e.g. public profile, friends list, and "Like" information, only if these data elements are viewable by the public according to your Facebook privacy settings) through the Service.
c) Quizs may use the requested data anonymously for statistical purposes. Quizs may evaluate how often a posting was shared in order to help us improve our Services and its contents like our quizzes and personality tests. Quizs perform the evaluation anonymously, meaning independently of users' Personally Identifiable Data Quizs received with the consent of the user (e.g. without the Facebook ID). These evaluations are just for us only, without any transfers of this data to third parties.
d) Our Service uses social plugins (“plugins”) provided by Facebook. The plugins are usually identifiable by a Facebook logo. For a full list of all social plugins, please see
e) Users are referred to Facebook’s privacy policy for more information about the consent process, consent granted, and ways of revoking such consent within their Facebook profile.
f) Users have the option in the Facebook application settings to end their use of the Service at any time:

Use of Facebook Re/Marketing Services

a) Quizs makes use of "Facebook Pixel" and the "App Analytics" (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Facebook Re/Marketing Functions”) provided by Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc.
b) The Facebook Marketing Functions allow us and Facebook to determine the relevant target audiences, in order to display advertisements (hereinafter referred to as “Facebook-Ads’) in reference to potential interests of the users, as well as to users with similar attributes (so called “Lookalike Audiences”). We use the Facebook Marketing Functions, because we want to display Facebook-Ads only to users, who displayed an interest in our Service. The Facebook Marketing Functions allow us and Facebook to determine, whether our Ads were effective and satisfactory for users by being able to comprehend users’ actions, after they were forwarded to our Service by clicking a Facebook-Ad.
c) The data collected by Facebook is pseudonymous and, as such, is not Personally Identifiable. However, Facebook may link this data with the user’s profile within their network. For more information on how Facebook processes the user’s data, please refer to their privacy policy (
d) In case you want to opt out of being subject to our and Facebook's use of Facebook Marketing Functions for marketing purposes please use Facebook's opt-out settings provided within your user profile: or for users from the EU Your choices are irrespective of platforms and devices and will be considered while using desktop or mobile device.

Use of Google Marketing and ReMarketing Services

a) We use the marketing and remarketing services (hereinafter referred to as the “Google Marketing Services”) provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountian View, CA 94043, USA.
b) The Google Marketing Services enable us to display ads for and on our Websites and Service in a more targeted manner so that users are only shown ads which might actually be of interest to them. For this purpose, as soon as the user accesses our Websites, or other websites on which Google Marketing Services have been activated, Google immediately executes a Google code and so called re/marketing tags (invisible graphics or code) are integrated into the Website. With the help of these tags, an individual cookie, is stored on the users’ device (comparable technology can be used instead of cookies). The cookies can be set from various domains, including and This file keeps a record of which websites the user visits, what content he/she is interested in and which offers he/she has clicked on, as well as technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of access and other details about the use of the website content. The users’ IP address is also recorded, whereby we, within the context of Google Analytics, would like to point out that, within member states of the European Union or in other countries that are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the IP address is truncated and only transmitted in its entirety to a Google server in the US and truncated there in exceptional cases. The IP address will not be linked with any of the user’s data from other services offered by Google. The aforementioned information can also be combined with equivalent information from other sources. If the user visits other websites afterwards, he/she can only be shown the ads that directly reflect his/her interests.
c) Within the scope of Google Marketing Services, the users’ data is processed pseudonymously. This means that Google does not, for example, store and process the users’ name or e-mail address, instead processing the relevant data on the basis of the cookies within pseudonymous user profiles. In other words, from Google’s point of view, the ads are managed and displayed for the cookie owner, regardless of who the cookie owner is, rather than for a specifically identified person. This shall not apply where the user has expressly permitted Google to process the data without this pseudonymization. The information collected about the users via “DoubleClick” shall be transmitted to Google and stored on Google’s servers in the US.
d) On the basis of Google Marketing Services, we integrate third-party “DoubleClick“ ads. DoubleClick uses cookies that enable Google and its partner websites to run ads based on users visiting this or other websites.
e) On the basis of Google Marketing Services, we also integrate third-party “AdSense“ ads. AdSense uses cookies that enable Google and its partner websites to run ads based on users visiting this or other websites.
f) You can find further information on Google’s use of data for marketing purposes on the site map:, Google’s privacy policy can be viewed at
g) If you wish to object to the collection of data by Google Marketing Services, you can use the settings and opt-out functions provided by Google:

Use of Google Analytics

a) We uses Google Analytics, a web analytics net.hopemobi.common.service provided by Google, Inc.
b) Google Analytics uses cookies to gather information about the user’s interaction and engagement with the We website. This information, including the user’s IP address, are used to evaluate the user’s interactions with the We website, compile reports on website activity for website operators, and provide other services related to website activity and internet usage.
c) In such cases stipulated in b), Google Analytics will not associate the user’s IP address with any personally identifiable information.
d) As with other cookies, the user may opt out of granting access to cookies by modifying the appropriate settings in the user’s web browser. However, this might compromise the user’s access to the full functionality of the We website.
e) Continuous use of the We website will be considered the user’s express consent to the processing of their data by Google Analytics for the purposes stated above.
f) For additional information, please refer to Google Analytics privacy policy

Third Party Content

a) Third party content (e.g. tests, game, and graphics from other services) may be incorporated into the our Service.
b) This means that the third party net.hopemobi.common.service provider makes use of the user’s IP address in order to display such content.
c) We are not responsible for practices employed by any third party website or net.hopemobi.common.service linked to and/or from us. Should the user access a link to any external website, any information the user discloses to that website lies beyond our jurisdiction and the privacy policy of the aforementioned site will apply.

Data Protection Officer

Contact Information:
Name: Ierong Junke
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